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A candle lit cemetery on Easter night in a village in Romania.
Land's Ford Crossing of the Catawba River in South Carolina
This was one of the few places that you could cross the Catawba River in the 1700's on foot, horseback, or with a horse-drawn wagon and was the crossing point for the Philadelphia Road to Atlanta.
This is a rooster in a cage from Stowmarket UK, 1st of May 2011
Greenfinch on a Rowan
2011_05_07_Greenfinch on a Rowan by tabbyman2009, on Flickr
I am trying to post my image but it seems that I am doing something wrong !! sorry.
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Persian Cat - Iran
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Morning Blues?
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I'm a new member and my first submission.
This image was taken on 1/5/2011 (yup just about qualifies for an entry) :)
Turimetta Sunrise
The Tree of Live
Two photos, one tree. All combined in Photoshop to retain the details in the sky and Sun as well as shadows and foreground. Taken on Canon Powershot G11.
Subject ~ Ruben, Italian Spinone.
About the shot...
I threw myself on the floor so that I could frame the sun behind his head.
Camera details ~ Canon EOS 450D + 18 - 55mm lens.
I was already shooting with with my flash exposure compensation at -1.
First curtain and in shutter priory which meant my shutter speed was 1/125. F4.
I'd taken a few more shots and had moved over to the right a little more but this first shot was my favourite.
The others gave me too much flare from the sun on the left of his head.
Of course all the while I was talking to Ruben (he does not like posing at all) and saying things like "whats that?" "where's the bird?" "look" so he would pose for me, bless him :)
no PS required except for a little noise reduction, the lens is a kit lens and I was shooting at 400 ISO. My single focal point was his head. AF mode was Al Servo.
Morning Wave
A Sunny Day
Photo Competition for May 2011
Reed, shot at a local lake on a beautiful spring day.
Nikon D5000, Nikkor 70-300 at 250 mm
f 5.6, 1/640s, ISO 200
Model: Canon EOS REBEL T2i
ISO: 400
Exposure: 1/30 sec
Aperture: 5.0
Focal Length: 55mm