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Thread: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

  1. #1

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    Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Currently I own a Canon XT DSLR. It it not a bad camera and I have reasonable success with it. I am however, thinking of upgrading to either a 40D or an XSi. Technically there does not appear to be a great difference in these two cameras. The 40D has a better continous shooting rate and the XSi has a lager pixel capacity, 12.2 to 10.2, but unless one intends to make large prints or do a lot of sports photography, which in my case is unlikely, the main difference seems to be the difference in the sturdyness of the body and the size. As I am not hashy with cameras, has anyone got any thoughts or ideas on this matter?

  2. #2

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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Hi Paul,

    When talking about the difference between 10MP and 12MP in respect to "maximum print size" you need to keep in mind that it's a square law function; to be able to print twice the size of a 10MP camera you'd need a 40MP camera - so the difference between the two you mention is - approx - zero.

    Biggest difference between the XSi and 40D is the 40D is "pro-sumer" class - more rugged build - better eggonomics etc. My first modern DSLR was a 350D (Rebel XT) - a couple of weeks after if arrived I had a go with a friends 20D (grandfather of the 40D) - and immediately sold the 350D (at a loss) and upgraded - and never looked back. Would do it again in a heartbeat - I suspect you'd feel the same with a 40D.

    Only extra consideration of the 40D is the extra weight - some people like it (and even add more weight with a grip), whereas some prefer the lighter weight of the entry-level cameras.

    Does this help?

  3. #3
    cav's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Hi Paul,

    If you're happy with the XT and its handling then maybe go for a fabulous lens.
    A faster lens can be stopped down more which increases sharpness.
    What sort of photography do you enjoy?

  4. #4
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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    I recently started my journey into photography and I purchased an XSi. My sister in law has an older Rebel ( the first dSLR I think). Honestly, the difference between the pictures we take are 99% user. If you upgrade frames go with a 40D in my opinion. I suspect you will note a more marked difference.

  5. #5

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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuni View Post
    If you upgrade frames go with a 40D in my opinion. I suspect you will note a more marked difference.
    Probably not to be honest - at the end of the day the camera is just a box that momentarily lets in the light - but - you will find that the higher up the models you go (a) the more rugged the construction and (b) the more bells and whistles on the camera to make any particular shot easier to obtain (eg the ability of 1D series to shoot a 7 shot, 6 stop bracket) - better metering - better AF etc.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuni View Post
    If you upgrade frames go with a 40D in my opinion. I suspect you will note a more marked difference.
    When I read that I interpretted it as refering to frame rate (I may be wrong), as I believe they are;
    XTi 3 fps
    XSi 3.5 fpe
    40D 6.5 fps

    If so, that makes Zuni's advice sound, as I doubt you'd notice the difference between 3 and 3.5, although Paul did say he was unlikely to do 'sports'.

    Your advice is as usual, very sound.
    (It had better be, I place a lot of trust in it myself!)


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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    When I read that I interpretted it as refering to frame rate (I may be wrong
    Hi Dave,

    You might be right - and my apologies to Zuni if that's the case. I took "frame" to mean Zuni's word for "camera body".

    Just one little "qualifier" on burst speeds though - the rated speed is of course the maximum - and usually you need a shutter speed > 1/1000th to get it (1/1000th, not 1/100th as you might first think) - so if you're trying to shoot something in Av mode - and you're down to say 1/60th - you can forget about fast bursts. Actually, that was the case for the 1D3 (10FPS) - 40D might be a little more forgiving.

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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Now I've learnt something else; I hadn't really considered that aspect, I suppose while it's blindingly obvious you can't have 10fps for 2 second exposures, but of course the camera needs a quick shutter speed to fit the number of frames into a second and give it some processing time between frames.

    Probably explains why my Fuji didn't seem to do it's 2.2 fps with jpg at 1/60!

    I can be so thick at times, it's scary

    Thanks Colin, cheers from,

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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    the camera needs a quick shutter speed to fit the number of frames into a second and give it some processing time between frames.
    I think the majority of the time is spent raising and then lowering the mirror.

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    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    I think the majority of the time is spent raising and then lowering the mirror.
    True I guess, but my Fuji cannot use THAT excuse

  11. #11
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    I place a lot of emphasis on the functionality of the camera.

    Compare the layouts and how it all works for you, when you are taking pictures.

    e.g. How do I change the ISO quickly, How do I change the AF point and similar "changes" we need to make when we are taking photos.

    Even if these criteria seem of little importance at the moment, IMO these and other functions like them, become more important as one develops Photographic Skill.

    Ease of functionalities is more important than a burst rate, for example, IMO.

    Last edited by William W; 21st February 2009 at 09:01 PM.

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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    I place a lot of emphasis on the functionality of the camera.
    This is a biggie for me too. IMO this is where the pro-sumer range shines over the entry level models - primarily due to the QCD (quick control dial) (I've always found the entry level models somewhat "pokie" to operate)

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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Thankyou all for your comments. All very interesting. The majority of my photography is landscapes and streetscapes. My wife and I travel frequently each year to the US. The east in the spring and the south west in the fall. Thus, taking into account the $400.00cdn price differential in favour of the XSi I might just go with it.
    Thanks to all.

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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    You're welcome

    If you can though, at least try and have at least a 10 minute play with an XSi and a 40D - I know very few who don't prefer the 40D ergonomics over the entry-level models.

  15. #15

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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Paul you could always do the sensible thing and switch over to Nikon.

  16. #16
    cav's Avatar
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    Re: Camera Upgrade: Canon XT to 40D or XSi

    Your heart seems set on a new camera body.
    Go for it and have fun!
    When shooting landscapes and streetscapes use a tripod whenever possible.

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