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Thread: Export/Import metadata in PS CS5

  1. #1
    whited3's Avatar
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    Export/Import metadata in PS CS5

    I'm having a weird problem with CS5 I hope someone can sort out for me please.

    I want to export Metadata from one image and import it into another. Here's what I'm doing:

    1) Open a TIF image I've been working on. File/File Info shows me the camera data.
    2) While in File Info, I select Export and create an XMP file.
    3) File/New to create a new image. In the case a white 16bit image that will be a mat.
    4) In this new image, File/File Info/Import, select the XMP file and the first option, OK.

    Problem is, no data is imported. Doesn't matter which option I choose in step 4.

    I'd greatly appreciate someone pointing out the obvious thing my "boy" eyes are missing

  2. #2
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Export/Import metadata in PS CS5

    This is I think how far I understand the procedure, Mark. Before you can import any metadata to be "transferred" from one file to another you have to create a METADATA TEMPLATE first. You can do this inside Adobe Bridge in Photoshop CS5.

    1. Inside Adobe Bridge, Click on the image that you want the XMP files to be copied then go to TOOLS > Create Metadata Template... and then check all the corresponding options applicable for you to transfer (Usually it is the IPTC Core and the IPTC Extension data that you want to copy or export). Before saving this initial template that you created, name it first to whatever you like and then press SAVE. You now have an available template.

    2. Now, go to photoshop CS5 and create a new photoshop document. With the new photoshop document open, Go to FILE > FILE INFO > Import. Upon clicking the Import button it will open a new window and it will show you the 3 options you have on how you want the xmp files to be imported. Select the one that suits your preference then press OK.

    3. Now, another window will be opened and it will show you where the metadata template you've just created is located. Double-click the template and that's it. your xmp data are now "imbedded" on the new photoshop document.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by jiro; 8th May 2011 at 06:29 AM.

  3. #3
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: Export/Import metadata in PS CS5

    Thanks Jiro but still no good. I can create and see the XMP files, and I can see and select them when importing, but the data does not show up in the file.

  4. #4
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: Export/Import metadata in PS CS5

    Quote Originally Posted by whited3 View Post
    Thanks Jiro but still no good. I can create and see the XMP files, and I can see and select them when importing, but the data does not show up in the file.
    That's interesting. I just tried it 5 times and the new blank photoshop document shows the imbedded or imported IPTC metadata files when I view the file info of the new document. I'll let somebody chime in and probably they have a better way of doing it.

  5. #5
    stevewe88's Avatar
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    Re: Export/Import metadata in PS CS5

    I tried it earlier too but all in bridge and it works no problem.

  6. #6
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: Export/Import metadata in PS CS5

    Thanks guys. If I open the exported XMP file (exported from a TIFF) with Notepad I see it has all the EXIF data in it. So it looks like an issue with importing.

    I've tried doing this within Bridge and CS5, and importing into a TIFF, PSD and JPEG with the same result.

    So to be clear we are talking about the same thing: I want to import the camera or EXIF data, which I can see in the exported XMP file.

  7. #7
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: Export/Import metadata in PS CS5

    Having spent hours trawling the net it appears that while CS5 will export image data (including camera and EXIF) to an XMP file, EXIF is not imported during the Import XMP process. IPTC is imported. This did work in earlier versions of CS from what I've read.

  8. #8
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    Re: Export/Import metadata in PS CS5

    What you are trying to do is not a good idea, if it did work you could end up with the wrong orientation, colour mode etc. etc.
    The correct way would :
    1 Create a template and use that.
    2 Extract the required data to a CSV or Text file and Import that data to your new file. This can be done in bulk.
    Import/Export can be done using ExtendScript JavaScript, see the following ...

    Other information can be found @ in the Bridge section in the Bridge scripts section.
    Hope this helps.

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