I believe it is ucci's turn.
I believe it is ucci's turn.
Actually I would like to pass the buck back to Willi if I could. I am not good at this sort of thing and really have nothing suitable to post as a challenge. I was caught on the hop through a sheer lucky guess actually. But it is good fun and would like to see it go on. So, get cracking Willi! The ball is in your court!
Okay, so I chickened out. Well, whilst Willi is recovering from the shock and trying desperately to save face finding something suitable and cursing me for dropping him right in it, I thought I would dash out to the back room and shoot this to go on with and keep the ball rolling. So, as a clue. It is a short saying of three words which implies a large differential between the input required and the output obtained
Well done Willi and Thank you. You really saved my donkey there. Okay so i Know the word I should have used starts with A and ends with two s's. But since there are people of refined taste about I thought I had better not use it.
And please, would everyone consign my bit of stop gap nonsense to the trash bin and concentrate resolve on Willi's excellent conundrum?
Looking back in time?
Thanks Willi. Another lucky guess i reckon, which I gleaned from your hint. They say things often run in threes. If so I reckon I should go and get myself a lottery ticket!
Now guys, anyone can play. So join in hey? And it doesn't cost you anything to have a go! Cheap at half the price, as they say!
Meantime, I reckon someone else should lead off. How about the instigator, one Dave? Unless you care to run with my stop gap effort put up earlier?
Good one Willi, thank you. The medieaval dress of the big fella and the space man outfit sent me off on the wallaby. Kept thinking along the lines of a time space continuum. Until I read your hint which sorted out my erroneous logic processes. That was a clever puzzle. Well done for coming up with it so quickly and off the cuff.