Hi Guys.
I wonder if you can help.
As a relative newbie, I am confused about the auto exposure lock button on my Nikon D7K.
I understand what it does (I think) but my question is this....
Most of the time I shoot manual, single point focus with centre weighted metering.
If I want to shoot a portrait and place the subject in the finished shot in the far right of frame do I place my single focus point relatively central (within the centre weighted area) so I can fix the focus point on the subjects eye, centre my meter to zero, hold down the exposure lock button with my thumb, keeping my shutter button half pressed, then move subject to the right of frame?
Daft question I know, but wont that mean that my focus will be out?
Up until now, I have been placing my subject to the right or left of frame and moving my single focus point over with the selector button, focus on the eye and shoot, but I think I may not be getting the best from the finished shot exposure wise as the camera sensor will be metering part of the background?
Thanks in advance.