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Thread: Canon EiS 60 - YIKES

  1. #1
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Canon EiS 60 - YIKES

    This could shake things up a bit:

    Nikon have been rumoured to have something like this for over a year now - looks like Canon jumped the gun or 'leaked' it out.

  2. #2
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Canon EiS 60 - YIKES

    When they start making them with APS-C sensors or larger, then I'll look.

  3. #3
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Canon EiS 60 - YIKES

    Out of curiosity - why?

  4. #4
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: Canon EiS 60 - YIKES

    Image quality. 22MP crammed into a micro-4/3 sensor? I have no idea how they plan on getting quality images out of that. Those pixel sets have to be so crowded in.

    Every 4/3 camera I've owned has always produced less than stellar photos. But then again, they might just be poor technique from not liking to hold the camera at arm's length to take photos.

    So perhaps I'm just misassociating the two.

    - Bill

  5. #5

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    Re: Canon EiS 60 - YIKES

    Quote Originally Posted by ktuli View Post
    Image quality. 22MP crammed into a micro-4/3 sensor? I have no idea how they plan on getting quality images out of that. Those pixel sets have to be so crowded in.
    I dunno, Canon has a track record of producing high resolution cameras that meet or exceed the noise performance of their competition while providing more file data. They may just do it again.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Canon EiS 60 - YIKES

    Quote Originally Posted by ktuli View Post
    Every 4/3 camera I've owned has always produced less than stellar photos. But then again, they might just be poor technique from not liking to hold the camera at arm's length to take photos. - Bill
    I don't know if I read this correctly but, I would not want a cametra which doesn't have eye-level viewfinder capability... I absolutely HATE live view. This is especially true when shooting outdoors in bright sun and when shooting fast moving subjects.

    Live view for other than macro work has always seemed to me as a way an amatuer shoots a P&S camera...

  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Canon EiS 60 - YIKES

    Well, that's a swing into a new ball park. One to watch with interest.

  8. #8
    Nass's Avatar
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    Re: Canon EiS 60 - YIKES

    Competition and innovation is generally a good thing for the industry. Not my cup of tea but if it pushes the bar further it can only be good for the rest of the industry to raise their own standards and deliver better for the consumer.

  9. #9
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Canon EiS 60 - YIKES

    This kind of camera appeals to 'normal' people and not enthusiasts who (I include myself here to some extent) spend far too much time on forums, pixel peep, look for the slightest fault in everything and who understand what noise is.

    We sell loads of Compact System Cameras at work, mostly to customers who have a compact now but want better quality. Very few think a viewfinder is important as they don't have one in their current camera - they may not have ever had one in which case they couldn't give a stuff. If they print pictures, which is rare, they do so 6x4 or very occasionally an A4 on their home printer which will be running cheap inks and paper they bought at the supermarket. For this sort of customer then how good the pixels are, the noise at higher ISO's and an EVF are irrelevant and the absolute IQ just doesn't matter. Of all the cameras available the most popular are the Olympus Pen series - no viewfinder and micro 4/3 senor - and the Panasonic GF2 - same thing - and everyone who has bought one has come back absolutely in love with it. What are important is small size, what it looks like, ease of use, brand and HD Video. Brand actually is the thing that usually swings the sale, people who like Sony will always buy Sony and simply won't be told that anything else is any good. Panasonic is a similar story and the Pen has the history.

    Canon will make a killing if they make it look good, make it small, stop short of covering every panel with buttons and have it kick out awesome video. Nothing else will matter.

    PS. There are rumours all over the net that Sony have a 25mp APSC sensor ready for the Alpha77 and the NEX10 - That is why Canon have put over 20 in.......sales!

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