My overly critical eye (of course, only to work other than my own

), says the Depth of Field is far too abrupt given the placement of the swing in relationship to where the blur begins. You have it so the blur is not just immediately behind the swing, but below and even in front and that no can be.
If the area directly under and somewhat to the front and rear were as sharply focused as is the swing, then I could buy it and be happy with the purchase. As it is, I have to wonder if my purchase is a bit on the PS hmmmmmmmmmm, side. This is a DoF technique which works wonderfully with flowers and other small objects but which must be carefully considered when approaching objects larger than a bread basket.
Other than that, it is a marvelous shot and as always, I am quite jealous I didn't shoot it.
Oh, and to others reading this, the camera will shoot this scene all day long. The camera will just about shoot anything you set your eye upon to emulate, but that doesn't mean it is okay to pass off as "real' or to use to create a certain mood if the mood isn't "real." My eye sees a 'floating in space" swing with no connection to anything...therefore, my eye "wonders."