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Thread: Am i just showing my age?

  1. #21
    vicphotog's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Paul, I guess as long as I'm not picturing you in my daughters wedding dress..... I won't judge

    Quote Originally Posted by jeeperman View Post
    I guess I will throw myself under the bus here.....I am one some would call heavily tattooed. None are visible with the wearing of shorts and T-shirt. Most of both shoulders to the elbow are covered, some skin shows. I do have a couple smaller ones from my days as a sailor {Navy} but the larger I did not start until about 5 yrs ago I am now 43 and am likely not finished. Why???? As I said they are not visible to the public...they are for me. I had personal reasons/stories behind each. Now do I think tattoos look great covering the whole body or on the neck? Nope, not for me. Not into the peircings either although both of my ears have been peirced for 25 yrs or better. It was a high school age thing and I still like them.

    Everyone has there own and different reasons some of which I do not understand myself...but who am I to judge. My tattooist has half his face done, crazy if you ask me...but it works for him. I have seen some heavily tattooed women whom remain sexy and then some whom have one tattoo and that one... totally ruins it for me.
    It all comes down to ....different strokes for different folks I guess.

  2. #22
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Oh come on....I do wonders for a low back strapless!

  3. #23
    vicphotog's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Quote Originally Posted by jeeperman View Post
    Oh come on....I do wonders for a low back strapless!

  4. #24
    Nass's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    I'd say though that this isn't an age thing. I've never been a fan of tattoos or piercings, in my 10s, 20s, 30s or 40s. On the other hand I've always been a huge fan of pure unadorned female skin, and always will be =)

  5. #25
    rob marshall

    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steaphany View Post
    But, I also have to point out that I personally do have some body attributes that I would like to have changed...
    Well, form an orderly (long) line, Steaphany. I'd love to change my nose, I need eye surgery for 'hoods', my ears stick out too much, I'm very short of head hair, only 5 ft 9in, and my.... no, we can't go into the rest of it...

  6. #26
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    So I guess that'll make me the only bloke here that absolutely loves 'em?

  7. #27

    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Looks like it Mark....but you get special dispensation for being a Mancunian ....and don't you dare play the Chelsea card...your naturalised now.

  8. #28
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    I lolled at that Steve. A contact and friend on flickr calls me "half northern".

    She's got a wonderful tattoo on her.....

  9. #29

    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Its a gradual transfusion, but you will soon have pure Irwell running through those veins. In Warrington we have diluted Mersey coursing through the furred up arteries. A right bunch of wooly backs. I had a look at your Flickr stuff a while back and reckon you should post more on here. I don't think anyone else shoots real life the way you do. Ugly B****r is one of the best self portraits I have seen in ages. You look a reet hard knock Mark, its no wonder you have integrated with the Mancs so well.

  10. #30
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    On the parade ground the Flight Sergeant ripped out the earing's worn by some unsuspecting idiot recruits, so I never got any piercings or tattoos.

    My fatherinlaw however had an amazing tattoo of the crucifixion over his entire back; he said it was done in Burma but he couldn't remember exactly where or how. This was a work of art, but he obviously was embarrassed about it.

  11. #31
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    My fatherinlaw however had an amazing tattoo of the crucifixion over his entire back; he said it was done in Burma but he couldn't remember exactly where or how. This was a work of art, but he obviously was embarrassed about it.
    Several of my shipmates in the Navy ended up with unexpected tattoos when they woke up in foreign ports. Luckily, that never happened to me!

  12. #32
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Steve mate,

    Did you mean this self portrait?

    Am i just showing my age?

    Just a kitten me!

  13. #33
    ucci's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Hey, enough with the tattoo stuff already.Time to move on. All this anti-tat talk from us MAC's ( mature aged conservatives) will probably only encourage the little dears to further needle and ink transgressions. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... so take the easy way out and look elsewhere. After all, heaps of good looking sheilas don't sport tats.
    I always remember the line from a Comedian many years ago that, " when she was young my wife had a row boat tattooed on her chest. Now that she is middle aged it has become a battleship!"
    So, lets move on, gentle folk. But not to thongs, dare I ask? We all wear them on our feet down here in oz. Especially in summer and at the beach. Where people in other parts of the world wear their thongs is somewhere were I prefer not to go. No, lets get to the real important stuff..... Mars bars!!! At one time Mars Bars were so important that they figured as a monitor of inflationary trends. Bit like following the price of gold. Me? I just like to eat them!
    Okay, so I am not a devotee of PC-ness! And I am too old to change!
    old ucci

  14. #34
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Quote Originally Posted by ucci View Post
    No, lets get to the real important stuff..... Mars bars!!! At one time Mars Bars were so important that they figured as a monitor of inflationary trends. Bit like following the price of gold.

    My theory of economics is that you can get a pretty accurate determination of the standard of living of a society by comparing the price of a six pack of beer with the minimum wage of the laborer in that society. If the worker can purchase a six pack with an hours worth of work, or shorter, the standard of living is pretty decent!

  15. #35
    ucci's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post

    My theory of economics is that you can get a pretty accurate determination of the standard of living of a society by comparing the price of a six pack of beer with the minimum wage of the laborer in that society. If the worker can purchase a six pack with an hours worth of work, or shorter, the standard of living is pretty decent!
    Hey Richard
    The problem with your theory is what I term the "dissocation" phenomenon. It is hard to establish a link between the cost of a 6 pack of tinnies and an hour's work here in Oz. It is nigh on impossible to establish a correlation such as you suggest in your economic proposal. We have absolutely no trouble getting people to buy 6 packs. The problem lies in getting them to do an hour's work!
    Last edited by ucci; 15th May 2011 at 12:06 AM. Reason: spelling fluffs

  16. #36
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Well grumpy old blokes - move over on the couch of conservatism and make some space for me!
    Miss Fashionista wants a tattoo!!

    Am i just showing my age?

    It is all I can do to keep 'stalling' her and reply with unequivocal 'hmmmms' whenever she shows me the next design that she is thinking of getting.
    All I can hope for is that she will listen to me to at least get it somewhere that can only be seen by ....well I don't really want to go there either!
    But at 1 point she mentioned the back of her neck - thankfully I was able to say - well you won't be happy wearing evening gowns with your hair up in 20 yrs time with a tattoo there!

    My history working in the fields of radiography & ultrasound also makes me anti the whole augmentation piercing thing - mammography is rendered all but useless when dealing with implants and I've had way too much insight to a place a person can pierce their... 'aaah well...person'

    So on balance is a tattoo that bad? - let's just say I'll keep saying hmmmm as long as I can

  17. #37

    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post
    Well grumpy old blokes - move over on the couch of conservatism and make some space for me!
    Miss Fashionista wants a tattoo!!

    Am i just showing my age?
    Oh, deary, no, no, no, no, no - she's too pretty for that! I thought of her in NYC, you know. In Bloomingdales.....the land of the Fashionista!

  18. #38

    Re: Am i just showing my age?


    I had this discussion only this morning; "what would you say if I got a tattoo", "only a small one - quite discrete". The interesting thing is the conversation was with WireVixen I just quoted what I had said on here but agreed in principle. My main objection was not on the legs. I cringe when I see tattoos on the legs - especially the lower leg.

    We had pretty much the same conversations with my eldest daughter as you will have had with Fashionista. In the end she got relatively small flower done near her bikini line. You would never see it unless she is wearing a bikini. So Mr Grumpy Pants is a lone voice in this house I must say though that gentle discussion is more likely to mitigate the damage than an outright "NO"

    In terms of getting it done I believe Rob does an excellent job with printer inks and a desk stapler. The problem is the portfolio is restricted to a Welsh Dragon or Charlotte Church in a skimpy swimsuit so it may not be transferrable to Aussie tastes.

  19. #39

    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    Steve mate,

    Did you mean this self portrait?
    Is that a Mancs cat? It intrigued me how you managed to get a shutter release long enough to operate from the flat next door. And my what green eyes you have. Seriously though that is chance in a million shot. I love it

  20. #40
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Am i just showing my age?

    I did not want to connect my comment regarding "Body Art" with any specific person. However, there were several ladies in my shoot who were adorned with facial piercings...

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