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Thread: Compact digital camera under US $100

  1. #1
    Alis's Avatar
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    Compact digital camera under US $100

    Hi Everyone,

    I am looking for a compact digital camera for my brother, 6 yrs old, and I see a lot of cameras under $100 but not sure which one to choose. Any advice? IQ is a factor but I guess he would like to have a camera with a lot of buttons and visible functions, and not really too compact.



  2. #2

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    Re: Compact digital camera under US $100

    I think anything <$100 by the major names is going to be pretty similar as far as image quality goes. As you've mentioned I'd take a look at how the buttons were laid out and ease of operation. Here's an article about budget compacts:

    Of course those are cameras that are intended for adults. I think they'd be okay for older kids, but I've been looking at this one for my 6 year old daughter. It's of more rugged construction. There are also 2 cheaper models including one for kids, but at $60ish I'll take the 5mp model. It seems pretty simple.

    I found some daylight pics on Flicker. They looked pretty good for what I'd expect from a $60 digital camera.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Compact digital camera under US $100

    Hi Brigitte,

    Not sure if you've bought it yet, but below is worded assuming you haven't.

    I've had a quick look at the A470's specification and my initial thoughts are;
    Lens (in 35mm equivalent terms) is 38 - 132mm, so the wide angle end is going to be a bit limiting for indoor or scenic views type shooting. One that starts at 28mm, (equvalent) is going to be better. A470 has 2 "macro" modes for close ups (if that is something you might need?).

    7.1MP will be adequate, but quality will drop off if trying to print much more than 7 x 5 or 8 x 10.

    Doesn't shoot RAW, but you may not miss this unless you really want to get into Post Processing the images.

    Standard AA batteries is good - always be able to buy more, rather than possibly being stuck away from AC with a flat proprietory rechargeable.

    Ease of use, should be fine, does auto and some manual, but there are a lot of alternative cameras.

    This model about a year old now, but perfectly adequate, and the spec for the replacement A480 is already published. This may mean the A470 will be available cheaper still in the shops shortly.

    Not a full run-down, anyone else please add anything I've missed.


  4. #4
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Compact digital camera under US $100

    Thanks a lot, Henry and David, I really appreciate the comments. I should have got back to you guys earlier. I actually showed him a few of these options, and he and I both chose A470! It is coming soon, so I will have to see if he can easily use it.

    I wanted it not to be too compact but a little bulky so this was perfect. Also the fact it uses AA batteries is an advantage in my mind. I have been using the Ultralast batteries and recharger, it claims it recharges in 30 min, and looks like it does so he can use one of those for the camera. I am using it myself for my Speedlite flash and also 5D camera but I have not been able to see if it is preforming as well as those batteries that are charged over a day. Anyway, this is a totally different discussion...

  5. #5

    Re: Compact digital camera under US $100

    Dear Dave!

    Thanks very much for your reply and your helpful comments and advices. For me the main thing is that the camera is easy to use for a newcomer and makes good shots and has not to much gimmick ( I hope that I use the word in the right sense ). I would like to find out how to make proper photos.
    Printing images isnīt yet important. ( because of RAW ) Maybe later on by progressing in photography.

    About rechargeable batteries.. Which one are the best quality for this camera?

    I order the camera by this afternoon. The camera costs 87,98 Euro. The price is okay for me. I donīt wanna spend for the first time too much money. Itīs an acceptable price.

    Hopefully I can upload soon some photos in the Forum.

    Last edited by Brigitte; 2nd March 2009 at 07:53 PM.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Compact digital camera under US $100

    Sedali, Brigitte,

    Jolly good, that's two people sorted in one thread.

    I do use (4) rechargeable AA batteries in my Fuji, I went for the 2500mA/Hr rated ones and I get hundreds of (non-flash) pictures, spread over several photo-days, spaced sometimes weeks apart on one charge! I carry two sets which I alternate, plus a stand-by packet of alkalines (just in case). I do use a slow charger though (better in longer term for battery life), with two sets, it is not a problem.

    I have two different brands, but in Germany or US, knowing which probably won't help you much - and I can't remember anyway , just don't buy off a market stall .

    I'm sure you'll be pleased with your choice, although I have no direct experience of the model, Canon do make good cameras (although the last Canon in my family was a film one many years ago).


  7. #7

    Re: Compact digital camera under US $100

    Dear Dave and Sedali!

    Thanks....for your professional statements...

    I keep you up-to-date how the things going.
    I guess that will have a lot of questions


  8. #8

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    Re: Compact digital camera under US $100

    Quote Originally Posted by Brigitte View Post
    I keep you up-to-date how the things going.
    So Brigitte,

    Have you bought it yet?

  9. #9

    Re: Compact digital camera under US $100

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    So Brigitte,

    Have you bought it yet?

    Hi Colin!

    Yes, I have bought it (by Amazon). The camera is one the way. I will get it in the next days. I could hardly await it.

    Maybe I upload a photo during next week.


  10. #10

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    Re: Compact digital camera under US $100

    Hi Brigitte,

    How exciting!

    You'll have to get your cat to take a photo of you this time

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Compact digital camera under US $100

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    You'll have to get your cat to take a photo of you this time
    Does Brigitte have to sit on the cupboard?

    I only ask because of your penchant for strange perches.

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 3rd March 2009 at 08:29 AM. Reason: added urls to original photos

  12. #12

    Re: Compact digital camera under US $100


    I guess the cat will get a prize for the photo

    Last edited by Brigitte; 3rd March 2009 at 08:40 AM.

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