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Thread: Advice for dust on camera sensor

  1. #21
    Azz252's Avatar
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    Jan 2009

    Re: Advice for dust on camera sensor

    I'm going to have a look through the shots tonight and see if i can pick it up, i'm pretty sure it's not always been there but.. i haven't been using f22 much so it might be that....but then 1500+ shots i would thought i'd have seen it before now. Perhaps not.

    I think i'll still claim it on warranty regardless - might as well...given that's what it's there for

  2. #22
    Bm7b5's Avatar
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    Re: Advice for dust on camera sensor

    Quote Originally Posted by Azz252 View Post
    Nope. I got the camera the week before Christmas.

    I'm unsure exactly when it has appeared but it's not been there ever since i got it. I'd need to go back through my photos and work out where it first appeared. It's pretty annoying it being there haha.

    I'm going to see what it looks like when i get home (in the hope that the bit of dust between the filter and sensor isn't the same one) and then make the call.

    What did you do with yours?
    I blew mine our with the Rockit, and all was good.

    If your issues can't be rectified by a professionl, I would definitely insist on a warranty replacement.

    And if it truly is between the sensor and the filter, all the more so.

    Take that thing back.............................................. and get a Nikon D300.......oh, sorry

    But seriously, walk that thing back to the store and get it replaced.

  3. #23
    Azz252's Avatar
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    Re: Advice for dust on camera sensor

    Well i sent it back to Canon last Friday and got it back yesterday (Thursday), note inside said they took it apart and cleaned the sensor, all done under warranty. Tested it last night and all is fixed! Happy days.

    Time to get to taking some photos i think! Thanks again for the advice etc.

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