working with channels for color and doing an inverted layer and gaussian blur...please elaborate.
working with channels for color and doing an inverted layer and gaussian blur...please elaborate.
Not in particular...just wondering when, why and how.
Hi Chris,
I found all the elements you speak of in an on-line tutorial on Two Pass Sharpening by Bruce Fraser at:
I had a hard time getting this to work so I would also like a clearer explanation of how when and why to use channels, which was the tripping point for me in learning the Sharpening process. Perhaps someone could point us in the right direction?
This is not for color, it is actually for reducing contrast. What it does is darken the highlights and lighten the shadows (reducing the contrast).
Duplicate the layer
gaussian blur (you want to blur it pretty good)
set layer to soft light
adjust opacity to liking
I did a slight variation on this method. The result is in the newest Mini Color Comp "The Invitation."