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Thread: Sua Beach, Philippines C&C pls

  1. #1
    jimsuy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    cabalian, souther leyte, philippines
    Real Name
    James Yu

    Sua Beach, Philippines C&C pls

    Just some random shots from the beach

    Sua Beach, Philippines  C&C pls
    Sua Beach by jamesbryantyu, on Flickr

    Sua Beach, Philippines  C&C pls
    Sua beach 2 by jamesbryantyu, on Flickr

    Sua Beach, Philippines  C&C pls
    Sua beach 3 by jamesbryantyu, on Flickr

  2. #2
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: Sua Beach, Philippines C&C pls

    Hello, James. I like the concept that you want to show on your images. I think it's about the nice smooth movement of the water and then showing some foreground elements against the vast expanse of the sea moving towards the horizon. Among the three, I would pick #3 as the one who has the best potential for an edit. For one thing, it already has the horizon located at the top 1/3 of the frame. That's a good point. Second, there is that triangular arrangement on the rocks of which I like. However, there seems to be a lot of scattered rocks or boulders that does not seem to help much on the composition so if this would be my image I would probably clone out some of them. I would also clean up some of those white speckles that I see on the shore and some located on the rocks. A little tweak on the contrast, and some selective lightening and darkening on other areas so I can concentrated the viewers focus on the rocks and on the middle part of the horizon.

    This is the edit that I did if you don't mind.
    Sua Beach, Philippines  C&C pls

    And this is the idea behind the edit:
    Sua Beach, Philippines  C&C pls

    1. The Yellow line illustrates the nice triangular orientation of the 3 foreground rocks. Triangles are very strong patterns when used in composing a shot.

    2. The Red lines shows the leading path that guides the eyes of the viewer to focus itself on the central rock at the middle ground.

    3. The light green lines illustrates that nice flowing S-Curve on the shoreline. S-curve patterns are also very good when composing a shot if properly used.

    4. The light blue lines shows the effect of adding a little bit of dark vignetting to further let the eyes of the viewer concentrate on the middle part of the frame.

    Hope this helps, James.

  3. #3
    jimsuy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    cabalian, souther leyte, philippines
    Real Name
    James Yu

    Re: Sua Beach, Philippines C&C pls

    Thanks for the comments... Its a very nice tip.. I really appreciate for the time..

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